
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[17.1.0] - 2023-05-29

[17.0.0] - 2022-04-20

We're super excited to announce standard 17!

This major release fully focuses on getting in sync with the wider ESLint ecosystem and doesn't in itself introduce any new rules or features.

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the current set of rules.

This is the first release by two of our standard co-maintainers @Divlo and @voxpelli. Buy them a cake if you run into them, thanks for getting this release out!

Major changes

Changed features

[17.0.0-2] - 2022-02-03

[17.0.0-1] - 2022-01-31

[17.0.0-0] - 2022-01-31

We're finally able to offer a pre-release of ESLint 8 based standard 17!

This major release fully focuses on getting in sync with the wider ESLint ecosystem and doesn't in itself introduce any new rules or features.

This pre-release exists to test out the ESLint 8 related changes and discover possible backwards incompatible changes that comes with it and mitigate unintended such before a stable release.

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the current set of rules.

Changed features

[16.0.4] - 2021-10-03

16.0.3 - 2020-11-17

16.0.2 - 2020-11-11

16.0.1 - 2020-10-30

standard treats all rule violations as errors, which means that standard will exit with a non-zero (error) exit code.

However, we may occasionally release a new major version of standard which changes a rule that affects the majority of standard users (for example, transitioning from var to let/const). We do this only when we think the advantage is worth the cost and only when the rule is auto-fixable.

In these situations, we have a "transition period" where the rule change is only a "warning". Warnings don't cause standard to return a non-zero (error) exit code. However, a warning message will still print to the console. During the transition period, using standard --fix will update your code so that it's ready for the next major version.

The slow and careful approach is what we strive for with standard. We're generally extremely conservative in enforcing the usage of new language features. We want using standard to be light and fun and so we're careful about making changes that may get in your way. As always, you can disable a rule at any time, if necessary.

16.0.0 - 2020-10-28

We're super excited to announce standard 16!

As with every new major release, there are lots of new rules in 16.0.0 designed to help catch bugs and make programmer intent more explicit. This release brings better performance, tons of bug fixes, improved JSX, React ⚛️, and Next.js support!

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the newly added rules.

❤️ If you enjoy StandardJS and want to support future releases, please support Feross!

New features

Changed features

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

15.0.1 - 2020-10-27

15.0.0 - 2020-10-21

We're super excited to announce standard 15!

As with every new major release, there are lots of new rules in 15.0.0 designed to help catch bugs and make programmer intent more explicit. This release brings support for ES 2021, the latest version of the ECMAScript specification, as well as many quality-of-life improvements, including ESLint v7.

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the newly added rules.

❤️ If you enjoy StandardJS and want to support future releases, check out Feross's GitHub Sponsors page.

New features

Changed features

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

14.3.4 - 2020-05-11

14.3.3 - 2020-03-15

14.3.2 - 2020-03-14

14.3.1 - 2019-09-17

14.3.0 - 2019-09-14

14.2.0 - 2019-09-11

14.1.0 - 2019-08-28

NOTE: If you use standard with the --parser babel-eslint option, please ensure that you update babel-eslint to 10.0.3 or later for compatibility with this version of standard.

14.0.2 - 2019-08-22

14.0.1 - 2019-08-22

14.0.0 - 2019-08-19

We're super excited to announce standard 14!

As with every new major release, there are lots of new rules in 14.0.0 designed to help catch bugs and make programmer intent more explicit. This release brings support for ES 2019, the latest version of the ECMAScript specification, as well as many quality-of-life improvements for users who use tagged template strings, JSX, and .mjs files for ES modules.

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the newly added rules.

standard keeps growing! The latest stats show that standard and eslint-standard-* shareable configs are depended upon by 318,512 GitHub repositories and 33,349 public npm packages. Thanks for spreading the word!

We now have a Discord server. Come chat with the maintainers, ask questions, and get help from the community!

❤️ If you enjoy StandardJS and want to support future releases, check out Feross's GitHub Sponsors page. GitHub is matching donations, so your dollars go twice as far! 🚀

New features

Changed features

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

13.1.0 - 2019-07-20

13.0.2 - 2019-07-12

13.0.1 - 2019-07-11

Changed rules

13.0.0 - 2019-07-10

Welcome to the latest version of standard!

As with every new major release, there are lots of new rules in 13.0.0 designed to help catch bugs and make programmer intent more explicit.

standard is more popular than ever – 640,000 downloads per month! It's even more popular – 3,000,000 downloads per month – if you include the ESLint configuration that we also publish (for advanced users).

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the newly added rules.

❤️ If you enjoy StandardJS and want to support future releases, check out Feross's GitHub Sponsors page. GitHub is matching donations, so your dollars go twice as far! 🚀

New features

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

12.0.1 - 2018-08-29

12.0.0 - 2018-08-28

New version of ESLint, new version of Standard!

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the newly added rules.

New features

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules


11.0.0 - 2018-02-18

This release has no new rules, but it does update to the latest version of eslint, version 4, which has some significant changes to existing rules. Most updates make the indentation rules more strict.

Thankfully, most users will just need to run standard --fix to update code to be compliant.

New features

Changed rules

👏 Huge thanks to @Flet for putting together most of this release!

10.0.3 - 2017-08-06

10.0.2 - 2017-04-14

Changed rules

10.0.1 - 2017-04-06

10.0.0 - 2017-04-04

standard just turned 10.0.0! 🎉

As with every new major release, there are lots of new rules in 10.0.0 designed to help catch bugs and make programmer intent more explicit.

standard is more popular than ever – 330,000 downloads per month! It's even more popular – 670,000 downloads per month – if you include the shareable ESLint config that we also publish.

The most important change in 10.0.0 is that using deprecated Node.js APIs is now considered an error. It's finally time to update those dusty old APIs!

Deprecated APIs are problematic because they may print warning messages in the console in recent versions of Node.js. This often confuses users and leads to unnecessary support tickets for project maintainers.

Some deprecated APIs are even insecure (or at least prone to incorrect usage) which can have serious security implications. For that reason, standard now considers usage of Buffer(num) to be an error, since this function returns uninitialized program memory which could contain confidential information like passwords or keys.

Instead of Buffer(num), consider using Buffer.alloc(num) or Buffer.from(obj) which make the programmer's intent clearer. These functions exist in all currently supported versions of Node.js, including Node.js 4.x. For more background, see this Node.js issue.

We also improved some rules to support common patterns in code bases that use React, JSX, and Flow.

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically fix some of the issues caught by this new version.

New features

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

9.0.2 - 2017-03-17

Changed rules

9.0.1 - 2017-03-07

Changed rules

9.0.0 - 2017-02-28

It's time for a new major version of standard! As usual, this release contains a bunch of awesomeness to help you keep your code in tip-top shape!

We've added several new rules designed to catch potential programmer errors (i.e. bugs), as well as rules to make programmer intent more explicit in certain circumstances.

This release continues our trend of tightening up rules so that, wherever possible, there's one "right" way to do things. This design goal is intended to reduce the time that teams and maintainers spend giving code review feedback in pull requests.

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically fix some of the errors caught by the new rules in this version.

Note: If you use the Chai test framework, you will need to make some changes to your tests to improve their robustness. Read about the changes you need to make.

New features

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

8.6.0 - 2016-11-22

8.5.0 - 2016-10-25

8.4.0 - 2016-10-10

8.3.0 - 2016-09-29

The last release (8.2.0) added ES7 support. This release (8.3.0) adds ES8 support ...just 3 days later!

This release should eliminate the need to specify babel-eslint as a custom parser, since standard can now parse ES8 (i.e. ES2017) syntax out of the box. That means async and await will just work.

8.2.0 - 2016-09-26

For many users, this release should eliminate the need to specify babel-eslint as a custom parser, since standard can now parse ES7 (i.e. ES2016) syntax out of the box.

8.1.0 - 2016-09-17

8.0.0 - 2016-08-23

This release contains a bunch of goodies, including new rules that catch potential programmer errors (i.e. bugs) and enforce additional code consistency.

However, the best feature is surely the new --fix command line flag to automatically fix problems. If you ever used standard-format and ran into issues with the lack of ES2015+ support, you'll be happy about --fix.

standard --fix is built into standard v8.0.0 for maximum convenience, it supports ES2015, and it's lightweight (no additional dependencies since it's part of ESLint which powers standard). Lots of problems are already fixable, and more are getting added with each ESLint release.

standard also outputs a message ("Run standard --fix to automatically fix some problems.") when it detects problems that can be fixed automatically so you can save time!

With standard v8.0.0, we are also dropping support for Node.js versions prior to v4. Node.js 0.10 and 0.12 are in maintenance mode and will be unsupported at the end of 2016. Node.js 4 is the current LTS version. If you are using an older version of Node.js, we recommend upgrading to at least Node.js 4 as soon as possible. If you are unable to upgrade to Node.js 4 or higher, then we recommend continuing to use standard v7.x until you are ready to upgrade Node.js.

Important: We will not be updating the standard v7.x versions going forward. All bug fixes and enhancements will land in standard v8.x.

Full changelog below. Cheers!

New features

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

7.1.2 - 2016-06-03

7.1.1 - 2016-05-26

7.1.0 - 2016-05-16

7.0.1 - 2016-05-04

import { foo } from 'bar'
export * from 'bar'

7.0.0 - 2016-05-02


New rules

Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite

Removed rules

6.0.8 - 2016-03-07

6.0.7 - 2016-02-18

6.0.6 - 2016-02-18

6.0.5 - 2016-02-12

6.0.4 - 2016-02-07

6.0.3 - 2016-02-06

6.0.2 - 2016-02-06

6.0.1 - 2016-02-05

6.0.0 - 2016-02-05

The goal of this release is to make standard faster to install, and simpler to use.

Remove standard-format (#340) (#397)

React-specific linting rules are removed (#351) (#367) (eslint-config-standard-react/#13)

New Rules

The percentage (%) of users that rule changes will effect, based on real-world testing of the top ~400 npm packages is denoted in brackets.

Removed Rules

Expose eslint configuration via command line options and package.json

For power users, it might be easier to use one of these new hooks instead of forking standard, though that's still encouraged, too!

To set custom ESLint plugins, rules, or envs, use the command line --plugin, --rules, and --env flags.

In package.json, use the "standard" property:

  "standard": {
    "plugins": [ "my-plugin" ]

Upgrade to ESLint v2

Improve test suite

Known Issues

Relevant diffs

5.4.1 - 2015-11-16

view diff


5.4.0 - 2015-11-16

view diff


5.3.1 - 2015-09-18

view diff


5.3.0 - 2015-09-16

view diff


5.2.2 - 2015-09-08

view diff


5.2.1 - 2015-09-03

view diff



5.2.0 - 2015-09-03

view diff




5.1.1 - 2015-08-28

view diff


5.1.0 - 2015-08-14

view diff



5.0.2 - 2015-08-06

view diff


5.0.1 - 2015-08-05

view diff

5.0.0 - 2015-08-03

view diff

eslint v1.0.0 is released! eslint added some new rules that are nice, and lots of existing rules have subtle behavior changes designed to catch more errors.

Let's talk about the next version of standard! We bumped the major version to v5.0.0 to pull in these improvements.

New rules:

Changed rules:

4.5.4 - 2015-07-13

view diff

4.5.3 - 2015-07-10

view diff

4.5.2 - 2015-07-02

view diff

4.5.1 - 2015-06-30

view diff

4.5.0 - 2015-06-30

view diff

4.4.1 - 2015-06-29

view diff

4.4.0 - 2015-06-27

view diff

4.3.3 - 2015-06-26

view diff

4.3.2 - 2015-06-23

view diff

4.3.1 - 2015-06-18

view diff

4.3.0 - 2015-06-16

view diff

4.2.1 - 2015-06-12

view diff

4.2.0 - 2015-06-11

view diff

4.1.1 - 2015-06-11

view diff

4.1.0 - 2015-06-10

view diff

4.0.1 - 2015-06-01

view diff

4.0.0 - 2015-05-30

view diff